Monday, January 9, 2023

Fitness Fanatics

January is a fresh new year so we start our Fitness Fanatics. Physical activity is vital for children of all ages. Physical activity is any activity that involves body movement. Children need different amounts for different stages of their lives. Children need more time being active and less time in front of screens. Here at the Academy we are a "No" screen school. Some of the reasons why physical activity is important listed below.

* Physical Activity is vital for young children's development and health
* Strengthens muscles, lungs, heart, and bones
*Improves balance, flexibility, coordination, and posture
* Healthy Weight
* Reduces risk of diseases

How much physical activity is needed for different ages

* Ages 1 to 3- At least three hours a day and one hour should be high energy

* Ages 3 to 5- At least three hours and one hour should be high energy

* Ages 5 to 18- At least one hour of vigorous physical activity