Thursday, August 25, 2022

Mad Scientist

 We've had a great week here at The Academy of Harpeth Village. This week was all about Mad Scientist. Children are natural scientists. They are all curious and love to explore their environments around them. Science in the early years of a child's life lead to a lifelong discovery.  They love to learn about physical science, natural science, and social science. They learn how to compare, measure, use math, and ask questions while exploring their environments. 

* Use language! Ask questions with the children to help them make sense of their world around them. Ask open-ended questions. You can use words such as "I wonder why"...? , "What do you think will happen if you..?, This helps them to develop their scientific thinking.

* Provide a Environment with long time spans of time for them to explore and observe (indoors and outdoors)

* Provide discovery toys such as buckets to fill and dump, tools to dig with, measuring cups, scales for measuring and comparing, bug catchers, magnifying glasses.

* Books- Reading books to children to help them understand science and connect their knowledge with their environments around them.