Thursday, December 23, 2021

Happy Holidays from AoHV!

This week has been so much fun! Today we wore pajamas and watched the Polar Express, then all the children got to get a train ticket! Yesterday, the children designed letters to Santa and put them in the special mailbox. During Pre-Scholar Enrichment class they learned about the changing seasons and made fun sensory bottles. We just loved seeing the Grinch and Santa the past few weeks!

From all of our educators at AoHV we wish you and your family a safe and wonderful holiday this weekend. It's all about making those magical memories and we thank you for sharing them with us. We are grateful for the thoughtfulness you families have shown our school family this season. We're especially thankful to all of our families that participated in our Angel Tree. Because of your kindness and generosity, many families in need will be able to see the joy in their children's eyes on Christmas morning. 

We have worked hard and are thrilled to have some time off. We'll see you back next Tuesday, December 28th to count down to the New 2022 Year! Happy holidays everyone!