Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fall is in the Air!

We are thrilled to have some beautiful Tennessee weather this week and last week! It feels and smells like Fall, the classrooms are filling up with awesome artwork, the children are happy and dressed adorably! We'd like to thank the Parents for all of the participation this week and last week. We are grateful for the candy and treat donations, Scholastic Book Fair donations, and the Teacher Day Appreciation gifts last week! We couldn't excel without our families support, love and commitment to our school family. 

We've had a busy month so far and there is so much more to come! Last week the Preschool aged children learned some very important facts in our annual Keeping Kids Safe curriculum. At the end of the week Mother Goose came and sang to us as well as taught us how to use our manners and be respectful listeners for our educators and parents. This week we have a fun pajama day, and next week is our pumpkin and classroom door contests, and our huge most fun event, the 6th AoHV Trunk or Treat! We love seeing the leaves falling on our playgrounds and we've included a few safety tips below. Check us out later in the week for all the fun!
