Friday, January 24, 2025

We Love to Explore!

 We're always excited to explore, especially on chilly days! Recently, the children had a blast creating a Snowstorm in a Jar, making Snow Slime, and Magic Milk. These hands-on activates not only teach valuable skills like cause and effect, critical thinking, and problem-solving but also make learning fun and engaging.

Early childhood is a crucial thinking for fostering exploration and curiosity, and science experiments are a wonderful way to do just that! 

Snow Storm in a Jar


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Every Sensory Play is a New Adventure!

 Here at AOHV we believe that sensory play encourages each child to use their thinking and imaginative skills. Sensory play is any activity that uses our senses like; touch, taste, smell, hear and sight. This type of play helps each child interact with their senses and creates a better understanding of the world around them.  At the Academy of Harpeth Village we have our children from birth to age 5 explore with sensory play, from blowing bubbles with babies to preschoolers exploring ice play with ABC's.  We look forward to sharing these experiences with your child. 

Blowing Bubbles with our littles. 

Toddler 1 exploring a rice sensory bin.

                                                                            Ice painting with Preschool 1.

    Preschool 4 using their sense of  touch                      with frozen letter play. 

                                                                                     Frozen letter play!

    Pre-K2 using their sense of touch                            with ice letter play. 

            Preschool 2 using their senses                         of touch and sight!

                                                                         Exploring water play with friends!

One of our big kiddos using his senses of sight, touch, hear and smell while playing in                        the snow!

Pre-K1 boys using their sense of touch to           play with a winter sensory bucket. 

     Mrs. Gulestan creating a "Snow Storm in                     a Jar" with Pre-K2.

Pre-K2 using their sense of sight to explore            a "Magic Milk" experiment!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snow Day!

 Friday, we had a snow day and all of us enjoyed it. We asked our families and staff to send in some special pictures about their day and let's just say that they didn't disappoint.