Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"Baby" It Feels Great Outside!

Outside time is one of our favorite parts of the day! We have had beautiful weather, and happy babies! It is so important for babies and all children to spend time outside everyday. It allows them to explore their environment, develop muscle strength and coordination, and gain self confidence. What a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Science Presentations!

When children engage in science activities amazing things happen! They develop their critical thinking and reasoning skills all while learning about the wonderful world around them! Public speaking is also a crucial skill to develop in children! Today our TASK class did a science presentation for the whole school! They did a wonderful job helping the younger children learn about the magical world of science while teaching them how to make clouds out of shaving cream, lava lamps, a baking soda volcano, moon sand, and slime! The TASK children loved being able to help their younger friends and the younger children loved it as well! 

Monday, March 4, 2019

"STARS" Lunch Time!

The day before our STAR assessment the parents of our families put together a really special lunch for our educators! We absolutely love being assessed so we can show off all of our hard work we put in all year! Thank you, wonderful families!