Monday, January 19, 2015

Fire Safety!

Children do well when they have very clearly defined instructions and practice. Rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse. Talking about what to do is helpful, but nothing will ingrain it in your child's head like actually doing it. Practicing how to react is the single most effective way to ensure your child will react safely if ever confronted with danger. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

See What's Hop-Pening and What's On The Menu at AOHV

We have lots of exciting stuff going on this month at The Academy!  We are learning about opposites: ups and downs, over and unders, big and littles, along with so much more.  Our kiddos will be learning about opposites in different ways all month long.  Fitness Fanatics will also be going on this month.  Take a look at our January calendar to see what's hop-pening!

As a Gold Sneaker facility, we want our Academy kids to be getting proper nutrition.   Check out what's on the menu at AOHV.